TCP connect timeout with proxy

Anand Buddhdev anandb at
Fri Mar 27 02:24:39 AEDT 2020

Hi Scott,

You've entirely missed my point.

Yes, if I connect directly to a host, I can use '-4' to force IPv4.

When connecting through a proxy, I can't easily control which address
family to use, nor the TCP connect timeout. Sure, if I use netcat to
proxy, I could supply a '-4' to it to force connecting over IPv4. But
making that permanent is also a pain because I want to connect to
IPv6-only hosts too.

But none of these individual fixes are relevant. I would like a
finely-tuned ssh config, with a proxy setup, whereby connecting to
remote hosts doesn't take so long because of the default TCP timeout.

My use case is connecting to several hosts with ansible using ssh as the
transport. I can't adjust my ssh config for each host. If IPv6 is not
working for a host at the time I'm connecting, I'd like the proxy to
quickly fall back to IPv4. Later, if that host's IPv6 is working again,
I'd like to be able to use it without hacks.


On 26/03/2020 16:02, Scott Neugroschl wrote:

> What's wrong with just using "-4" for this host?

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