Problems using RemoteForward for gpg-agent with multiple sessions

Damien Miller djm at
Sat Jun 11 03:42:48 AEST 2022

On Tue, 7 Jun 2022, Brandon Cheng wrote:

> This works well, but intermittently the remote forward is unexpectedly
> destroyed. We've narrowed down the problem to the RemoteForward config
> not interacting well with multiple SSH clients. Specifically, each
> subsequent client attempts to initiate a new RemoteForward, destroying
> any previous forwards when doing so. When the most recently connected SSH
> client disconnects, the forward is left in an unbound state for all other
> existing clients.


> ## Possibility 1: New RemoteForward syntax


> ## Possiblity 2: New ForwardGpgAgent config


> ## Possibility 3: Allow client-side TCP port to be used in bind path

Another possibility would be to have some %-expansion that expands to
a random value that is long enough to be safely used as a temporary

E.g. %R expanding to 24 base64 characters. You could use this to obtain
effectively unique paths.


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