RT/Linux SCHED_RR/_FIXED to combat latency?

Cedric Blancher cedric.blancher at gmail.com
Thu Aug 10 12:38:32 AEST 2023

Good morning!

We're experiencing rather very bad latency spikes on busy Linux
systems, for example if one machine is the jumphost (ssh -J) for a few
hundred connections, while at the same time handles CPU intensive

Would RT/Linux SCHED_FIXED or SCHED_RR be of help in such a case, e.g.
put all ssh processes into the SCHED_FIXED scheduling class, with a
priority higher than the non-interactive compute processes?

Also, do I interpret it correctly that each forwarded TCP connection
has its own process?!

Cedric Blancher <cedric.blancher at gmail.com>
Institute Pasteur

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