Feature request: a good way to supply short-lived certificates to openssh

Andy Lutomirski luto at kernel.org
Wed Mar 8 03:40:00 AEDT 2023

On Tue, Mar 7, 2023, at 3:25 AM, Rory Campbell-Lange wrote:
> On 07/03/23, Darren Tucker (dtucker at dtucker.net) wrote:
>> On Tue, 7 Mar 2023 at 05:26, Andy Lutomirski <luto at kernel.org> wrote:
>> [...]
>> > ssh_config contains a Match ... exec [command to refresh the certificate].
>> > This sort of works, except that it runs the command far too frequently.
>> > For example, ssh -O exit [name] refreshes the certificate, and it should
>> > not do so.
>> You can have the command check if the cert is expired or near expired
>> before refreshing it.  I've done this in the past with expiring
>> certificates.
> I was intrigued by Darren's note about a command to check certificate 
> expiry. I've put together a quick POC in go to list expiring 
> certificates: 
> https://gist.github.com/rorycl/d194243c61b349021935c97f751a931e
> Output is something like:
>     0 key ssh-ed25519 : is not a certificate
>     1 key ssh-ed25519-cert-v01 at openssh.com
>         comment:  acmeinc_briony_from:2023-03-07T08:18_to:2023-03-07T11:18UTC
>         validity: 2023-03-07 08:37:23 GMT to 2023-03-07 11:37:23 GMT
>         expiring in 60m? true


> I'd be grateful to Andy if he explained what sort of command he runs to 
> refresh certificates. I understood most refresh arrangements to involve 
> OAuth2.

The actual setup I'm using is:

Host myhost
	Match host myhost exec "cloudflared access ssh-gen --hostname myhost.domain"
	ProxyCommand cloudflared access ssh --hostname myhost.domain
	IdentityFile ~/.cloudflared/blahblah
	CertificateFile ~/.cloudflared/blahblah.pub

cloudflared is this thing (open source!):


There are two pieces of magic here.  One is the "couldflared access ssh-gen" command.  It's annoyingly slow (which could be fixed, presumably), and it refreshes the certificates in ~/.cloudflared, using (I presume -- haven't checked) OAuth2 behind the scenes.  The other is the ProxyCommand, which, as I've configured it, is just a proxy.

This is a kludge.  On the one hand, it mostly works.  On the other hand, it behaves poorly when doing anything other than just connecting.  The case that bothers me the most is ssh -O command myhost.

I think the most straightforward change to openssh would be to allow me to rewrite it as:

Host myhost
	PreAuthCommand cloudflared access ssh-gen --hostname myhost.domain
	ProxyCommand cloudflared access ssh --hostname myhost.domain
	IdentityFile ~/.cloudflared/blahblah
	CertificateFile ~/.cloudflared/blahblah.pub

ssh -O would not invoke the PreAuthCommand, and other ssh commands that don't need to authenticate would also not invoke it (e.g. ssh reusing an existing connection).  But an ssh command that did need to authenticate would read it before opening and of the the credential files.

(I have no affiliation with Cloudflare.)

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