Secondary SSH connection

Dave Close dave at
Sat Aug 24 14:32:38 AEST 2024

Jochen Bern wrote:

>[scratches head] If JuiceSSH's forwarded agent reliably refuses to 
>serve, why not simply tell it to stop doing such a forward ... ?

Well, JuiceSSH is an Android app. I don't have the source and there
are almost no configuration options.

>On another note, the fact that you apparently do not need an agent to 
>authenticate the SSH connections from the first jump host onward is (I 
>hope) not a common situation.

It may be a Fedora peculiarity, but I almost never encounter any SSH
agent on my systems. That's at least part of the reason I didn't think
the SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable was significant.
         Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA       +1 714 434 7359
       dave at              dhclose at
     "Education is what you get when you read the fine print;
      experience is what you get when you don't." -- Pete Seeger

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