Apple's SSH x OpenSSH (brew) x CTK x Security Key types

Lucas Holt luke at
Fri Jul 5 13:00:46 AEST 2024

On 7/4/24 8:57 AM, Jan Schermer wrote:

> Hi,
> What I was trying to do (apart from toying with stuff) was to get a realiable, single, portable/importable credential that would be universally available whenever I need it but in normal operation would be either stored in or wrapped by Secure Enclave (this means EC keys), instead of provisioning 5 resident FIDO keys, one Secretive SE-wrapper key and a backup key. (I know, I could use certificates, and maybe I will!).

My first thought was that this might be vulnerable to attack to get 
access to the keys with the public M1/M2 exploit against the secure 
enclave due to the cache bug.  If this was fixed in the M4, maybe you 
could limit it's use to newer apple silicon.

Lucas Holt

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