kerberos default_ccache_name with sssd

Dave Macias davama at
Wed Jun 12 07:05:54 AEST 2024

Thank you both for the replies and explanation!


Can i set KRB5CCNAME somewhere so that it uses /home? Where?

But even if i could set the env variable i have this odd behavior:

I now have 4 vms running.
2 are rocky8 and 2 are rocky9, with same settings and versions I stated on my first post.

From the 4 vms, when I ssh into them, 2 of them set a cache file in the users home and the other two save it in /tmp.
I cant seem to understand why my other two vms do not want to setup the cache in the /home.

The only difference i can think of is that the two vms that do use /home, are the actual kdc/ldap servers. The two “bad” vms are clients, only running sssd/sshd.

Upon ssh login to each of the 4 vms, a KRB5CCNAME=FILE:/bla environment variable is set; which will be /tmp or /home, depending on the vm.

Someone requested a trace, so ill post that tomorrow, hopefully it will be helpful.

Appreciate very much you all’s input!

On Jun 11, 2024 at 2:00 PM -0400, Douglas E Engert <deengert at>, wrote:
> On 6/6/2024 8:26 AM, Dave Macias wrote:
> > *I wanted to see if I could make the cache file user-specific, instead of
> > the default location (/tmp/krb5cc-blabla).*
> SSH is creating a separate ticket cache file for each login session and owned by the user.
> This has been the preferred way to do this for decades.
> Your: "Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_2000_tgiettMBSK" looks like it is set by sshd and your environment should have a KRB5CCNAME with that name.
> If you share the ticket cache between multiple login sessions, when the first session ends,
> the "GSSAPICleanupCredentials yes" will cause the shared ticket cache to be deleted. Using /tmp means the cache is destroyed upon a shutdown/restart. /tmp is also a local file system. /home may be on
> a network disk which has other issues.
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