OpenSSH - Central repository for "Match" rules

Jochen Bern Jochen.Bern at
Fri Jun 14 18:59:26 AEST 2024

On 14.06.24 01:58, Damien Miller wrote:
> No, the command would run every ssh invocation
> On Thu, 13 Jun 2024, SCOTT FIELDS wrote:
>> Except you'd need to cycle SSHD to pickup any changes/updates.
>> ____________________________________________________________________________
>> From: Damien Miller <djm at>
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 9:28 PM
>> >> On Tue, 11 Jun 2024, SCOTT FIELDS wrote:
>>> Has there been discussion about implementing facilities with OpenSSH
>>> for having it pull "Match" rules from a central repository, namely
>>> LDAP or a RESTAPI service?
>> You could probably hack something together using the exising ssh_config
>> "Match exec" and "Include" directives here. E.g.
>> Match !final exec "~/bin/download-config-ephemeral"
>> Match any
>>          Include ~/.ssh/config-ephemeral

Y'all might want to pinpoint whether you want to do that trickery in 
someone's ~/.ssh/config, or /etc/ssh/sshd_config ...

(Though I have to say that in the latter case, getting sshd to re-eval 
the repository after startup, even if it *is* something wholly designed 
for on-demand eval like LDAP, might well result in "you *have* to 
restart it frequently for that". Which is something ops should be less 
than thrilled about, to put it mildly ...)

Kind regards,
Jochen Bern

Binect GmbH
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