Feature request/EOI: Match interactive config?

Jochen Bern Jochen.Bern at binect.de
Mon May 6 21:21:02 AEST 2024

On 04.05.24 04:16, openssh at tr.id.au wrote:
> Basically, we want RemoteCommand to be turned on for interactive
> sessions, but ignore it when we've already specified a command
> as part of the client invocation.

... the fact that you don't get that out of the box *already* should 
certainly confuse a lot of users, given the first lines of 
https://man.openbsd.org/ssh_config ...

(Yes, it says "options", not "parameters", but.)

> Although my use case is for client-side, I guess it may also make
> sense in sshd_config. I can imagine cases where sysadmins would
> want to present different behavior depending on whether a client
> is coming in interactively or running a command.

The server side could, I guess, ForceCommand a small wrapper that checks 
$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND (and whether a controlling tty is present) and 
exec()s an appropriately chosen command.

Kind regards,
Jochen Bern

Binect GmbH
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