[portawiki-discuss] Chanel Your Prosperity Energy Today - Energy Automation Systems

paul.kholer paul.kholer paul.kholer at gmail.com
Wed Jul 4 06:24:34 EST 2007

 Energy Automation Systems

Every emotion, wether we classify it as good or bad, has energy. Think about
it. Can't you feel it when you are angry or bouncing off the walls happy?
Just as there are levels of energy for these emotions, there are levels of
energy for another emotion - wanting.

A great man called Lester Levinson discovered that this wanting energy is a
negative force in our lives. He discovered this on a mission to save his own
life, when he was diagnosed with cancer and sent home to die. Wanting money.
Wanting to be loved. Wanting to be appreciated. All of these wants and more
were slowly killing him.

He discovered that this wanting energy equaled a feeling of lack. If you
want something you don't have it. He also discovered that we hold onto
energy. When we are happy we try to hold on to this feeling. When we are
upset about something we try to push it away and get rid of it.

He found, and Harvard researchers agreed, that when we let go of our
emotions, both "good" and "bad" and just let them flow we find the ultimate
state of imperturbability. When you reach this state about the object or
person that you are stressing out over, you can actually have what you have
been wanting instantly.

Researchers at some of the top universities have studied Lester's technique
and found that it really works to lessen stress, improve health and increase
our natural ability to attract abundance. And stars like Joan Collins, Laura
Dern and Sally Jesse Raphael have learned and use this technique every day.

This technique is easy to do. It is extremely easy to learn and it is
provable. As Lester always said," Take it for checking." Prove it to
yourself. Use this powerful technique and channel your prosperity energy

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