RHL OpenSSH upgrade: _new_ sshd is not started

Pierre Abbat phma at oltronics.net
Sun Oct 1 13:59:22 EST 2000

On Sat, 30 Sep 2000, Pekka Savola wrote:
>Hello all,
>A few days ago I noticed that the following seems to happen when upgradign
>OpenSSH on Linux-based (/etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd) based systems:
>- sshd is restarted with 'sshd restart'; however sshd serving in port 22
>is not replaced.
>- you have to kill the old one (netstat -ltp | grep :ssh ; kill
>...) first, then restart sshd.
>- This might happen only when performing the upgrade while connected on
>the system w/ ssh; not sure.
>However, I'm not sure which would be the best way to get around this.

Any sshd's that are serving the port, if you kill them, will disconnect
someone. Let them keep running and just restart the parent process.

Me, when I work on the ssh configuration of a remote machine, log in with
telnet; and conversely, when I'm working on the srp config, I log in with ssh.
(Telnet is set up to require srp.)


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