Remote port forwarding

Jose A. Rodriguez Jose.Rodriguez at
Mon Oct 9 23:19:02 EST 2000

	I have the following line in the sshd_config file:

		GatewayPorts no

	If I launch the ssh client as this:

		ssh -l user host -R 9000:otherHost:25

	the port forwarding is successful! :-( As you can see, the
	'netstat -na' command shows the Secure Shell daemon listening
	to the port 9000.

Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      

	I've checked the code and the only use of the "gateway_ports" variable
	is when calling the getaddrinfo function (inside

	The right behaviour should be to deny the port fordwarding request,
	shouldn't it?

	Any help? BTW, I'm using openssh-2.2.0p1 on Linux (RedHat).

	Thanks in advance,
Jose A. Rodriguez		OOO  Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)
josear at		OOO  Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors
Tel. 6990                       OOO                 -*- LCAC -*- 

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