[PATCH]: Patch to fix hang on exit bug under Linux and add optional exit delay

Markus Friedl markus at openbsd.org
Fri Nov 16 03:00:13 EST 2001

On Thu, Nov 15, 2001 at 10:44:51AM -0500, Ed Phillips wrote:
> I have more of a problem with the case where "I have no processes running
> in the background and no other child processes of sshd running at all and
> sshd/ssh fail to exit".  I still get that problem occasionally with
> 2.9.9p2... sometimes I can use CTRL-C, but sometimes I have to use SIGTERM
> to get ssh to quit (and thus sshd).

do you have debug output from a more recent ssh?

> This is problematic... if you are forwarding X11 processes then ssh needs
> to hang around (or at least fork off a child) to continue to process the X
> traffic.

we are talking about something completely different.

> If ssh goes away, SIGPIPE is more likely.  If you really want to end your
> session, then just kill ssh... the rest of the processes on the server
> side should go away, shouldn't they?

i sent a patch to the list, for transfering signals over
the wire, but nobody seemed to care.

e.g. currently for
	$ ssh host 'tail -f bla | grep bla'
tail and grep still run on the remote host.


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