stdio to port forward?

Dan Kaminsky dan at
Wed May 26 01:45:23 EST 2004

>Of course the ProxyCommand solution with connect/netcat is cleaner.
>But if I understand correctly and it was not available then you can
>still use daisy chaining for access.
>  ssh -t bastion ssh yourhost
>  ssh -t bastion1 ssh -t bastion2 ssh yourhost
>This works for rsync as well.
>  rsync -e 'ssh bastion ssh' /some/path yourhost:/some/path
>  rsync -e 'ssh bastion1 ssh bastion2 ssh' /some/path yourhost:/some/path
Oh, it works like a charm.  Only problem is the utter horrors that are 
unleashed when the hosts in the middle get trojaned, as has happened to 
both Apache and Sourceforge.


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