OpenSSH and CVS

Chris Rapier rapier at
Mon Mar 21 01:59:29 EST 2005

Do ya'll think you can leave the guy alone? This is just a really pointless 
thing to have a discussion about on a software development list.

Bob Proulx wrote:

> Hisashi T Fujinaka wrote:
>>I'm at home now, but some workplaces forbid the use of gmail, etc (think
>>Wall Street). And sending the email home once and then to the list just
>>creates more trouble.
> If you employer forbids you to use external email while on the job
> then you have two choices.  1) Do as your employer demands of you.  Do
> not use external email.  But also do not post with an email disclaimer
> and do not get outside help for your problems.  2) Ignore your
> employer.  Use external email.  Interact with the world.  Run the risk
> of being terminated for disregarding employer rules.
>>I don't know why people can't ignore the stupid messages. I sure didn't
>>choose to add it to all my work mail. I'm just REQUIRED to use it.
> I feel sorry for you.  But that does not in any way change the fact
> that you are still sending mail marked with a private message
> disclaimer.  Don't do that or find alternatives.
> Let's put this another way.  Let's say I have a job where my employer
> requires me to avoid washing.  No one can understand it.  It makes no
> sense.  It is a stupid rule.  I smell with body odor.  People around
> me complain that my smell offends them.  I tell them that my employer
> requires me to avoid washing.
> And in a later message in the thread:
>>I want to keep my job, I have to leave it in. It has no legal meaning. I
>>have to leave it in to keep my job.
>>If you would like, I can repeat that last sentence several times so it
>>sinks in. My job sucks, but so does the economy.
> But you have an alternative.  You are using it now.  Interact with the
> outside world on your own time outside of your job.  Your job cannot
> require you to be a bad citizen in the global community.  If you
> employer does require you to interact with others on the Internet then
> you now have justification for your employer to use external email on
> the job.
> Bob
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