HPN-SSH for OpenSSH 4.4p1 Available

Chris Rapier rapier at psc.edu
Sat Sep 30 07:17:03 EST 2006

This is a preliminary release and as such should be used at your own 
risk. In my testing the application builds under OS X and Linux, passes 
the regression tests, and file transfer tests on our test connections 
exhibited a 1600% increase in performance
(1.4MB/s versus 20.9MB/s 46ms RTT).

This patch (hpn12v10) is available from
This patch is not linked off of the main web page as of yet. I want to 
run some more usage tests on it and get some feedback from people. I'm 
also trying to figure out a non-horrific way of passing an additional 
value to some of the buffer_* functions. :)

If you do install it please let me know what your experiences are. 
Please make sure your system send and receive buffers are properly tuned 


Chris Rapier

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