[RFC/PATCH v2] ssh: config directive to modify the local environment

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at fifthhorseman.net
Sat Jan 8 09:51:25 EST 2011

On 01/07/2011 02:50 PM, Bert Wesarg wrote:
> I know about this. I would suggest to extend the expand code to handle this.
>> That way, it would be possible for options like TCPKeepAlive to be
>> respected by compliant ProxyCommands.
> That would be:
> ProxyCommand command %{TCPKeepAlive}

hm.  this seems cumbersome to me in the same way that you're suggesting
that env FOO=whatever would be cumbersome.  It's also not transparently
extensible -- that is, if a new option is introduced, or an update to a
tool that provides a {proxy|local}command enables it to handle an
existing option, all users would have to manually tweak their config
files to add the relevant option.

I'd much rather see something like

  ExportEnvironmentToCommands all

be able to handle it without further fiddling by the user as the tools

> This way we could handle the case internally. I also think that my
> proposed LocalEnvMod would benefit from this.
> I can provide a patch the next week. The old %<char> syntax ould be
> deprecated over time.

Meaning %p and %h would no longer work?  i don't see why we'd need to
deprecate that any more than we'd want to get rid of ssh's -6 argument
in favor of -oAddressFamily=inet6 -- why would we need to deprecate them?

Thanks for your work on this, Bert!


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