[PATCH] Expose remote forwarding ports as environment variable

Alex Bligh alex at alex.org.uk
Sat May 18 00:38:23 EST 2013

On 17 May 2013, at 14:30, Darren Tucker wrote:

> 1) on the client create a pair of named pipes
> 2) have ssh #1 on the client invoke a controlmaster ssh -N #2 on the server
> with the latter using "ProxyCommand=-". Redirect ssh #1's stdio to and from
> the named pipes and background it.
> client$ ssh <fromssh >tossh -T -y server ssh -y -N -T -MS/tmp/ctl
> -oProxyCommand=- client &

The problem for me is at this step. You have to trust the client's command
on the server. What happens if they don't pass the correct -MS command?

In my application the clients are untrusted machines which may be behind
NATs etc.

Alex Bligh

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