Issue upgrading openssh from 6.6p1 to 7.2p2

rigoberto giraldo rigoxls at
Thu Apr 7 01:16:27 AEST 2016

Hi Guys

I have a server running with Ubuntu 14.04, but i have an issue with PCI
requeriments. I have installed in my server openSSH 6.6p1, then i upgraded
it to openSSH 7.2p, compiling code with*make and make install directly from
repositories from openSSH*, but it seems something is broken because i
continue getting the old version after i check dpkg -l openssh*

ii openssh-client 1:6.6p1-2ubunt amd64 secure shell (SSH) client,
ii openssh-server 1:6.6p1-2ubunt amd64 secure shell (SSH) server,
ii openssh-sftp-serve 1:6.6p1-2ubunt amd64 secure shell (SSH) sftp server

And PCI scanner continues reporting same issue about that i have to install
the latest version of openSSH.

but i i try *ssh -V* i get the right version of openssh << 7.2p2 >>

This is the CVI Id of the issue: CVE-2016-3115


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