Why still no PKCS#11 ECC key support in OpenSSH ?

Mathias Brossard mathias at brossard.org
Tue Aug 14 08:04:41 AEST 2018

On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 1:09 PM Damien Miller <djm at mindrot.org> wrote:

> If someone can recommend hardware and some instructions on how to
> set it up that will only improve the changes of this happening sooner.

YubiKeys are probably the easiest to procure. A model that includes the
"smart card (PIV)" feature is needed, some YubiKeys only support U2F. I
would recommend the Yubikey 4 over the NEO unless you really want to use
the NFC feature, because it is much faster. I'll compile a list of

Mathias Brossard

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