[EXTERNAL] Re: Signed SSH keys do not handle port forwarding correctly

Kadel-Garcia, Nico nico.kadel-garcia at cengage.com
Fri May 7 17:21:40 AEST 2021

Oh, yes, it's Hashicorp Vault. It's been a very long day.

I enabled the "permit-port-forwardig" option in the ssh-client-signer role, and it did not help.

Nico Kadel-Garcia
Senior DevOps Engineer
Cengage Learning
200 Pier Four Blvd.
Boston, MA 02210
nico.kadel-garcia at cengage.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Rory Campbell-Lange <rory at campbell-lange.net> 
Sent: Friday, May 7, 2021 3:19 AM
To: Kadel-Garcia, Nico <nico.kadel-garcia at cengage.com>
Cc: openssh-unix-dev at mindrot.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Signed SSH keys do not handle port forwarding correctly

On 07/05/21, Kadel-Garcia, Nico (nico.kadel-garcia at cengage.com) wrote:
> So far, so good. But let's say that host is also a tomcat  server running unenrypted on port 8000, and I'd like to port-forward the loal service to my localhost.
>            ssh -I .ssh/vault-signed-key -I .ssh/id_rsa -N -L localhost:8000:localhost:8000 username at<mailto:username at> &
>            lynx https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://localhost:8000__;!!MXVguWEtGgZw!bTWsMBiY0AdKNMvIVtO1-lAHr6ekG21bPt_HyMRhKlh1w1HKfs6drXhIMsTMe4dkR4DJ0pw$ 

Is the Atlassian Vault actually Hashicorp Vault?

If so does the signed key have "permit-port-forwarding" enabled? i.e.

	$ vault write ssh-client-signer/roles/my-role -<<"EOH"
	  "allow_user_certificates": true,
	  "allowed_users": "*",
	  "allowed_extensions": "permit-pty,permit-port-forwarding",
	  "default_extensions": [
		  "permit-pty": ""
	  "key_type": "ca",
	  "default_user": "ubuntu",
	  "ttl": "30m0s"



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