SNI-like routing

Carl Karsten carl at
Thu Sep 22 06:59:49 AEST 2022

The goal is to host 4 or 5 websites for friends. all low traffic, so a
single box should be fine. 16 cores, 32g ram, 1 nic, 1 public IP.
hostname: prox

each site gets a VM, created manually, (they all get debian) add
friends ssh keys and let them ssh in and do whatever they want in
their vm.  and be able to ansible over ssh like ansible does.

hostnames vm1, vm2... friends all manage their own domain name
register / dns, point their www's at my IP.

I would like to keep ports all standard: 22 for ssh, 80/443 for
http/s, etc. and route to the VM based on hostname.

ssh user at prox gets the host, ssh user at vm1 gets vm1. curl http://vm1 gets vm1.

There are lots of ways to do this, I'm trying to work out a config
that makes it easy on their end.

Telling them all to use ProxyJump isn't out of the question, but I'm
hoping there are other options.

I don't mind a separate solution for ssh and http.  like for http I
can run an nginx on the public IP with

 server_name vm1;
  location / { proxy_pass;

Carl K

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