OpenSSH - Central repository for "Match" rules

SCOTT FIELDS Scott.Fields at
Thu Jun 13 20:27:34 AEST 2024

Except you'd need to cycle SSHD to pickup any changes/updates.
From: Damien Miller <djm at>
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 9:28 PM
To: SCOTT FIELDS <Scott.Fields at>
Cc: openssh-unix-dev at <openssh-unix-dev at>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: OpenSSH - Central repository for "Match" rules

On Tue, 11 Jun 2024, SCOTT FIELDS wrote:

> I'm not seeing if this has been asked in the past.
> Has there been discussion about implementing facilities with OpenSSH
> for having it pull "Match" rules from a central repository, namely
> LDAP or a RESTAPI service?

You could probably hack something together using the exising ssh_config
"Match exec" and "Include" directives here. E.g.

Match !final exec "~/bin/download-config-ephemeral"
Match any
        Include ~/.ssh/config-ephemeral

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