Proposal to add a DisableAuthentication option to sshd ServerOptions

Martin Hecht martin.hecht at
Fri Jun 28 20:22:11 AEST 2024

On 28/06/2024 01:26, Jochen Bern wrote:

> If pinpointing and templating the relevant accounts in the above way 
> works out, there's no need to implement a kill switch for a security 
> mechanism in sshd, to fiddle with PAM, or even to run a second, 
> non-public sshd on a different port, the clients and servers would 
> simply *happen* to have passwordless logins in(to) the "safe area" 
> configured and ready to go as they're created off their respective 
> templates.

Maybe even simpler: HostbasedAuthentication could do the trick for 
unprivileged user accounts within such a controlled environment.
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