Default libexec dir

radiatejava radiatejava at
Wed Sep 4 03:27:25 AEST 2024

Thanks Damien for the clarification!

On Mon, Sep 2, 2024 at 6:36 PM Damien Miller <djm at> wrote:
> On Mon, 2 Sep 2024, radiatejava wrote:
> > I know that I can use --libexec=dir arg when running configure for
> > openssh code. However, on my ubuntu OS, it seems sshd is using
> > /usr/local/libexec as the default libexec dir when I do not provide
> > --libexec=dir during the configure cmd. Can it not use the default
> > /usr/libexec dir instead?
> It will use libexec under the --prefix that you specified, which
> by default is /usr/local
> -d

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