What did I mess up?

Bob Proulx bob at proulx.com
Fri Sep 6 02:45:10 AEST 2024

Dave Close wrote:
> $ ls -ld ~/.Xauthority
> -rw------- 1 dave dave 878 2024-09-02 12:49 /home/dave/.Xauthority

It's there.  It contains stuff.  It not zero sized.  That really
addresses my question because I have had problems (which I can't say
that I debugged completely to root cause) where I would have a zero
sized file and no access cookie was ever generated.  That caused a
breakage for X forwarding for me previously.  For whatever reason it
was necessary for me to manually generate an access cookie.  Something
that I believe should always have been automatic.  And then everything
worked and X forwarding worked for me.

But your file is not zero sized.  You have cookies present.  Therefore
that question is answered and it's not the problem.  Have to keep
looking and debbuging elsewhere.


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