[netflow-tools] Reading from saved file

Damien Miller djm at mindrot.org
Thu Feb 14 14:38:42 EST 2013

On Tue, 12 Feb 2013, Zahra Jadidi wrote:

> Dear Sir / Mam
> I have a dataset including pcap format data. I want to convert this dataset
> to a flow based dataset in which flows have NetFlow format. Therefore, I
> need read pcap file from stored file, the dataset, using Softflowd then
> using flowd we can save flows. I have linux "mageia" on my computer. I have
> tried to install softflowd verion 0.9.8 as a traffic exporter and install
> nfsen as the collector instead of flowd. I tried very much but softflowd
> does not work on my computer. I am very confused. Every thing seems ok but
> it is not working. I am new in softflowd. I appreciate if you give me some
> help.


If you need help then you'll need at least to tell us how you are running
softflowd/flowd/etc. You should also try running softflowd in debug mode
to see if there is anything going wrong at that level.


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