slow sparc questions

Damien Miller djm at
Tue Aug 15 10:32:40 EST 2000

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, Gregory Leblanc wrote:

> I've got a couple of SPARCstation 2s (about as fast as a fast 486, for most
> thing) that I'm going to be using for some testing.  I realize that these
> machines are a bit slow, but when connecting via OpenSSH, it's MUCH slower
> than connecting to my 486-DX 50.  The point where it waits is just after
> "debug: Sent encrypted session key.".  The pause is for about 10 seconds,
> while when connecting to the 486 the pause is barely noticeable.  All
> machines are using 3des as the encryption type.  So, I've got a few
> questions.
> First, why is this machine SO much slower than my 486?  Crappy compiler
> (linux is compiled using egcs 1.1.2 and the OpenSSH box is using
> ssl-2.6-USA, installed when I did my OpenBSD install)?

This sounds like DNS problems - the server may be trying to resolve the 
client's hostname from its IP address? If the client does not have an address or an entry in the hosts file then this can take
a while to timeout.

> Second, would I be better off using another encryption algorithm?  If so,
> which one?  These machines are just my toys, not commercial in any way.
> What are the pros and cons?  (RTFM links appreciated)
> Third, what can I do to help "fix" this slowness?
3des is slow and secure (due to many years of review and attacks)
blowfish is faster, but not as well examined


| "Bombay is 250ms from New York in the new world order" - Alan Cox
| Damien Miller -
| Email: djm at (home) -or- djm at (work)

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