OpenSSH 2.4.0 patch call..

Brian Kifiak bk at
Thu Dec 28 22:12:49 EST 2000

> For the matter, what about all the Unix systems that ship without
> perl?

(large?) case in point: netbsd.

> There is a good reason autoconf is written using sh scripts.

good example.

i believe the question is ``is perl standard?''

i don't think it is.  i don't think it should be.  perhaps i'm in

Ben (Mouring?) writes:
> I prefer to know it works on all platforms.

i don't think it currently works on all platforms.  see above.

> Granted, I still want to know how you install OpenSSL from source
> without perl.

if enough people believe that perl shouldn't be a requirement of
openssh, perhaps the openssl group needs a push as well.

i'd at least hope that a ``without perl'' option would be available.
further, such an option could be used as a fallback if perl isn't

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