trouble logging out when using protocol version 2

Joe Wells jbw at
Thu Sep 28 05:27:05 EST 2000

   > When I use protocol version 2 (by specifying "Protocol 2,1" in
   > ~/.ssh/config), I can establish connections properly, but they do
   > not shut down properly.  When I run a remote command by "ssh
   > and then ssh hangs and does nothing forever.  I can interrupt it
   > by pressing Control-C (the "intr" character).  I have enclosed a
   > script of running "ssh -v REMOTE-HOST REMOTE-COMMAND" below to
   > illustrate this.  The last 5 lines of this script happen only
   > after I press Control-C.  When I create a remote login session
   > with "ssh REMOTE-HOST", ssh hangs after I try to log out.  For
   > about thirty seconds, Control-C and Control-\ (the "quit"
   > character) only cause "^C" and "^\" to be echoed.  Then pressing
   > either will successfully interrupt ssh.

   This is probably related to the following:


    1) SSH2 is being used, and
    2) a command is left to run in background when exiting

   then 'logout' will freeze.

Thanks very much for the suggestion.  I checked this out carefully,
and I am reasonably confident that the situation you describe is not
what is happening for me.  I tried again after having disabled my
configuration files on the target machine (i.e., I temporarily renamed
.cshrc, .login, and .logout) and encountered the same problem.
Systemwide /etc/.cshrc and /etc/.login files exist, but their contents
are not anything that will leave a process running in the background.

Any other suggestions?

Joe Wells

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