Unkerberized NFS

Darren J Moffat Darren.Moffat at Sun.COM
Wed Nov 7 09:47:38 EST 2001

Ed Phillips wrote:

> What is ONC?

Open Network Computing, basically it is the code for NIS, NIS+ and some
RPC stuff.

> What would be a "standard" way to have sshd lookup a public key that isn't
> in the normal ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 place?  Would it just have to be
> enhanced for this particular "look up public keys in LDAP" feature?

I would actualy have thought of it more as an alternative to known_hosts 
not to authorized_keys.  authorized_keys is a M:1 relationship, many 
keys giving access to a single account.

I could see the possibility of storing this information in a nameservice 
table but the backend for getpublickey is not the place.

Darren J Moffat

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