2 doubts

Steve VanDevender stevev at darkwing.uoregon.edu
Fri Apr 19 09:54:07 EST 2002

Jorge Cleber Teixeira de Almeida Junior writes:
 > Hi,

You have two questions, not two doubts.  Doubt is being unsure about
whether something is true.

 >    What is the command to use with scp and sftp in UNIX, to transfer files
 > as ASCII ?
 > I know that in FTP , we have the parameter "ascii" , but, how about openssh?

scp and sftp transfer files in binary mode only.  There is no "ascii"
mode for sftp.

 > How can I make a script in UNIX using scp or sftp  where I do not have to
 > type the password ? I mean, there is a password , but I don´t know where I
 > should put it . In a file ? Into the script ?

Actually, you can use identity keys to avoid having to give a password
to authenticate to remote hosts.  Read the man page for ssh-keygen and
the sections in the man pages for ssh and sshd about RSA authentication.

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