[PATCH] Add scp -1 and -2 options to OpenSSH-3.0.2p1

Dan Astoorian djast at cs.toronto.edu
Tue Jan 29 02:16:59 EST 2002

On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 07:20:56 EST, Markus Friedl writes:
> you cannot have both rcp's and ssh's options
> in scp. and since scp is basically just rcp calling
> ssh, scp should have rcp's options plus _one_ simple
> way of passing options to ssh. so use -F and -o.
> you cannot have consistency between these 3 programs,
> so for consistency scp should have _no_ options from
> ssh, because if it _has_ then people want every option.

It should not be difficult for someone to write a wrapper script or
program (perhaps included in contrib/, and maintained independently of
OpenSSH) which maps the relevant SSH-specific options to the appropriate
-o options for OpenSSH's SCP; e.g., to translate 

    sshcp -2 -b -u myuser [args]

    scp -oProtocol=2 -oBindAddress= -oUser=myser [args]

This would introduce an explicit layer of indirection, allowing the core
interface to be kept clean, and providing the convenience options for
those who want them.

Would this make everybody (anybody?) happy?

Dan Astoorian               People shouldn't think that it's better to have
Sysadmin, CSLab             loved and lost than never loved at all.  It's
djast at cs.toronto.edu        not, it's better to have loved and won.  All
www.cs.toronto.edu/~djast/  the other options really suck.    --Dan Redican

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