tunnel connection like a service with cygwin or otherproducts?

Darren Tucker dtucker at zip.com.au
Tue May 7 00:54:00 EST 2002

Stephan Hendl wrote:
> I try to implement a secure ODBC connection via ssh tunnel from a win-pc
> to a linux server. I am looking for a kind of service under nt that builds
> a secure tunnel connection from the pc to the server at time of login
> of the user at the desktop and going into the background after that. That
> means the conncetion is always open until the user shuts down the pc.
> It should run completely in the backgroung, not in a minimized window...

The first part should be easy: use cygwin openssh client using some kind
of passwordless authentication (eg RSA).

To make it run entirely in the background, run it from cygrunsrv (part
of Cygwin) or SRVANY (NT resource kit). Neither of these work on W95,
only NT or W2K.


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