X11 forwarding and LBX

Kevin Steves kevin at atomicgears.com
Thu May 9 04:49:10 EST 2002

On Wed, 8 May 2002, Darren Tucker wrote:
:The script I used to sort out xauth stuff is attached. The caveats are:
:you need to source it (ie ". ./lbx") and various versions of LBX behave
:differently so you may need to adjust it to local conditions. I also
:found that some versions of LBX running on Solaris wouldn't bind()
:unless they ran as root, although I never figured out why.

You can probably also do the X authorization adds in .ssh/rc.  You may
also want to consider X11UseLocalhost=yes, where "xauth list $DISPLAY"
does not match a cookie.  We have this now in ssh.1:

             if read proto cookie && [ -n "$DISPLAY" ]; then
                     if [ `echo $DISPLAY | cut -c1-10` = 'localhost:' ]; then
                             # X11UseLocalhost=yes
                             xauth add unix:`echo $DISPLAY |
                                 cut -c11-` $proto $cookie
                             # X11UseLocalhost=no
                             xauth add $DISPLAY $proto $cookie

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