Question regarding patch for ProxyCommand setting

Thomas Binder binder at
Fri Sep 27 02:19:10 EST 2002


I recently started using ProxyCommand and noticed that it's not
possible to specify a "none" value for it. I've already written a
patch for that, but wanted to discuss the issue before posting the

The problem is the following: I'd like to use a ProxyCommand by
default, but exclude some hosts. But as soon as I have

Host *
	ProxyCommand /some/proxy/command %h %p

at the end of ssh_config, there's no way to disable ProxyCommand
in another host section.

I need this to still have the possibility to access localhost
without host key checking [1], i.e. I'd like to have something

Host localhost
	ProxyCommand -

That'd be necessary because as soon as a ProxyCommand is active,
NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost is ignored because OpenSSH no
longer has a way to tell whether "localhost" is really the
loopback interface.

So, is there any way to achieve what I want without adding support
for something like "ProxyCommand -" (and without having to add
each and every host that should be accessed via the proxy command
to ssh_config)? And if there's no other way, would there be
interest in adding my patch?



[1] That's because I've written shell scripts that allow to copy
    files from and to remote hosts that can only be accessed with
    an ssh chain (e.g. ssh -t host1 ssh -t host2 ssh -t host3).
    This is achieved by automatically opening a tunnel to port 22
    of the remote host using such a chain, and then scp to and
    from localhost. Without NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost, scp
    would always fail because of a changed host key.

"No, `Eureka' is Greek for `This bath is too hot.'"
		-- Dr. Who
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