No -b (bind) with SCP?

Christian Vogel chris at
Tue Feb 4 01:30:29 EST 2003

Hi jpiszcz,

> I have two IP's, one goes out cable, another DSL, ssh -b works fine for 
> binding to either, but I would like to bind to a specific IP when I do 
> SCP transfers.

try -oBindAddress=YOUR_IPADDRESS. The options you can pass to ssh are
documented in ssh-config(5), those are the same ones that you can write
in your .ssh/config (or /etc/ssh_config).


Bind to the correct ip (not useful, I have only one on this machine)...

emil:chris$ scp -oBindAddress= sec.txt obelix:delme.txt
sec.txt              100% |*****************************| 25510       00:00

...but you will get an error when you try to bind to the wrong one...

emil:chris$ scp -oBindAddress= sec.txt obelix:delme.txt
bind: Cannot assign requested address

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