SSHD 3.7.1p2 on HP-UX

Michael Steffens michael.steffens at
Tue Sep 30 20:53:05 EST 2003

Eric Cunningham wrote:
> When I applied the patches/mods to openssh-3.7.1p2/configure and 
> openbsd-compat/xcrypt.c password authentication still fails, though 
> differently from the "account is locked" message.  syslog now reports:
> User eric password has expired (password aged)
> Failed none for illegal user eric from port 53132 ssh2
> Failed password for illegal user eric from port 53132 ssh2
> Needless to say, the password hasn't expired.

Could you please check what sshd in debugging mode "sshd -ddd" reports
about aging? For me it's

   debug3: allowed_user: today 12325 sp_expire -1 sp_lstchg 12324 sp_max 182

for an account having the password changed yesterday, and it let's me
log in.

Could you please also check what

   /usr/lbin/getprpw <username>

reports about the account being rejected?


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