Testing for the 4.4p1 release

Pekka Savola pekkas at netcore.fi
Mon Sep 11 21:19:35 EST 2006

On Mon, 11 Sep 2006, Darren Tucker wrote:
>>> [...]
>>>> from port 44319 (t4 r26 i0/0 o0/0 fd 27/27 cfd -1)
>>>> [[ almost 10 minute timeout ]]
>>>> ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
>>>> cmp: EOF on /home/pekkas/op/openssh/regress/ls.copy
>>>> corrupted copy of /bin/ls
>>>> bind: Address already in use
>>>> [[ about 5 minute timeout ]]
>>> Now this I'm not sure about.
>> This is still the same.
> During the timeout phase, is there a defunct process in the process list,
> and if so what process does its ppid correspond to?

During the timeout, the processes look something like this:

pekkas   11767  8459  0 14:10 pts/4    00:00:00 sh /home/pekkas/o/openssh/regres
pekkas   11798     1  0 14:10 ?        00:00:00 /home/pekkas/o/openssh/sshd -f /
pekkas   11826     1  0 14:10 ?        00:00:00 /home/pekkas/o/openssh/ssh -1 -F
pekkas   11827 11767  0 14:10 pts/4    00:00:00 /home/pekkas/o/openssh/ssh -2 -F

PPID=1 looks odd, and indeed if I kill them the timeout stops, but the 
compilation result is the same error.

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings
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