Repost: [patch] Automatically add keys to agent

joshua stein jcs at
Fri Jan 29 12:05:42 EST 2010

> Imagine an attacker has access to your account on a target system.

then all bets are off anyway.

> The ways to avoid ever falling into this trap:
> 1) Always ssh with -v, and read the verbose messages every time, so you
>    are certain you know where the prompt originated.  Not likely.
> 2) Always ssh-add your passphrases locally first, before ssh'ing
>    anywhere.  For best results, set BatchMode=yes by default in
>    ~/.ssh/config so that you will never ever ever be prompted
>    legitimately; the connection will simply fail until you remember
>    to ssh-add.  Therefore any time you are ever prompted when ssh'ing
>    somewhere, you are being messed with.

3) don't turn the option on.  nobody's proposing that it be on by

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