Suggestion for openssh
phribbr at
Tue Feb 7 23:04:54 EST 2012
I do not know if it's the ideal place, but I'm sending some suggestion.
Always use openssh and its enormous features.
- I needed to create an environment with only sftp access and thus used:
- Match User suporte
ForceCommand / usr / lib / openssh / sftp-server
OK! It worked perfectly! But only sftp.
- Create an environment with only blocking the ssh, but scp and sftp
access, I used:
- Rssh;
- Mysecureshell;
- Scponly.
Work, but change my SHELL, and also created another
environment for authentication and this is not good.
So I suggest to you developers the following idea:
- Create the following options to sshd_config:
- DenyCmdssh
- DenyCmdscp
- DenyCmdsftp
All three options above with default value "no".
If I want to scp access only could perform the following configuration.
- Match User suporte
DenyCmdssh yes
DenyCmdsftp yes
DenyCmdscp no
I see that being possible the inclusion of these options, it would kill
rssh, scponly and mysecureshell and the whole configuration of openssh would
in / etc / ssh / sshd_config.
I imagine that working with ChrootDirectory...
OK! This was just a suggestion!
And thank you for openssh.
Thank you!
Paulo Henrique Ribeiro
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