configure warning on SunOS 4.1.4

Klaus Ziegler - owner of klausz at
Thu Feb 4 07:52:13 AEDT 2016

On 01.02.16 08:20, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
> SunOS 4.1.4? Dear lord, that OS is old enough to drink now.I still 
> remember doing the first published ports of ssh-1, ssh-2, and openssh 
> to SunOS way, way back in yesteryear. *Why* are you still running 
> this? I'm not deprecating the work, just wondering why you're 
> supporting an OS more than 20 years old from a company that no longer 
> exists, on an OS that Sun itself tried to deprecate when Solaris came 
> out. 

Hi Nico,

well, I used to work for that company and went through all thinkable 
migrations from SunOS to Solaris at many customer sites. Now I'm old and 
play around with some of these oldtimer's I've sitting around here. And 
not to get too rusty I try to get some things going. To be honest I 
don't want to get SSH for SunOS 4.1.4 running, instead I want to have 
have it for SunOS 4.1.1_U1 on Sun3x architecture (3/80). But since 
compiling on this even more older hardware I begun my work on a SS10 
with 4.1.4 - 2x60Mhz/512MB memory. But to something more serious, you 
would be wondering how much people still use such old operating systems 
on some island-systems which would love to have a secure connectivity 
for. The last known working SecureShell server for Sun3 you can get is: 
OpenSSH-4.3p2, OpenSSL 0.98a from: - I have a working 
OpenSSL 1.0.2f for Sun4 now the build for Sun3 will follow when SSH is 
working. I even have made good progress implementing the missing 
snprintf into the libc to at least have the underlying zlib as secure as 
possible. But if you tell me you will abandon SunOS4 completely I would 
be sad, but well the world doesn't go down the bin because of that. And 
after all it's much fun -:)

So the first build on SPARC is fished and installed the conclusions so far:

hostnameresolution isn't working - only IP's possible
everything runs without dumping at least a core.
if trying to connect via ssh from the build system to any other 
secure-shell server the following happens:

nobody at nosystem % ssh
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be 
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:TtrEzvxTL5C...
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known 
Enter passphrase for key '/home/nobody/.ssh/id_rsa':
xreallocarray: out of memory (1 elements of 4 bytes) <-- here is the 
first thing which goes wrong in xmalloc.c

one thing to mention is that blocks.c isn't able to compile with any 
optimization, just -g is possible no matter
if I try gcc-2.95.3/3.2.3 or SPARCworks SC3.0.1 - blocks.c allocates 
more and ore ram until nothing is left,
this one will be hard to find I guess. I will try the bootstrap using 
SPARCworks again as it found some integer-overflows
I hope they aren't real overflows, just bugs in this compiler. I keep 
you posted of next progresses, please find the
patch I did so far - of course not for integration purposes - just to 
let you know, I know how to use GNU diff/patch -:)

Much Regards


                                                Tel: (++49 6105) 968846
Klaus Ziegler                                  Mobil: (++49 172) 3064445
Zeppelinstrasse 3                              mailto: klausz at
D-64546 Walldorf-Moerfelden          

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