“Stripped-down” SSH (no encryption or authentication, just forwarding)

asymptosis asymptosis at posteo.net
Wed Oct 16 11:00:19 AEDT 2019

On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 07:43:00PM -0400, Demi M. Obenour wrote:
> On 2019-10-15 19:11, Job Snijders wrote:
> > The S in SSH stands for secure. You are asking the wrong group of people.
> > You’ll have to resolve your issue in some other way.
> > 
> This tool would only support running on stdin/stdout.  Indeed,
> an idiomatic use-case would be to use it as the command argument
> to ssh(1).  The assumption I am making is that anyone that can pass
> arbitrary data to this tool over stdin can also obtain a shell (with
> the same privileges).

It smells like an XY-problem. I gather you are after something like a reverse proxy, so why not just use something which advertises reverse proxying, like nginx or haproxy?

If they are still too heavy I would also check whether your requirements could
be met by netcat.

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