Auth via Multiple Publickeys, Using Multiple Sources, One Key per Source

Jakob Schürz wertstoffe at
Thu Jun 4 09:06:24 AEST 2020

Do you know about certificates for openssh?

You create a ca for hostkeys and another for clientkeys.

Then you create a certificate for all of your hostkey-publickeys with
your host-ca.
Publish this certificates to all of your hosts and change the
configuration of sshd to use this certificates also.

Publish the public-key of your user-ca to all hosts.

Publish the pubkey for Host-ca to all your clients.

Then create certificates with user-ca for all of all users Pubkeys. Add
prinzipals (one or more) to this user-certs. Give it to the users.

Change ssh_config to accept only hosts with valid host-certs.

Create mapping-files. Each pam-user gets its own file, where the
principals are listed (one per line), which are allowed to login as this

You dont need to accept a changed hostkey anymore. You can regulate with
principalfile, which user can login as which user. You can also use a
script instead of this files, so ldap or other mechanisms are possible
too via script.

Certs can have a serialnumber and a validydate.. You can revoke by
pubkey the whole user, or revoke by serialnumer.

This is a first entypoint:

Many howtos talk about pubkeys instead of certificates, when you search
on you searchengine. Be careful of your searches. Certificates are using
pubkeys, they are not pubkeys!!



lore ipsum

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