Feature Request: Ability to specify local bind address for ssh(1) -W

Aaron Jones me at aaronmdjones.net
Fri Mar 26 02:30:05 AEDT 2021


I have deployed an SSH bastion host, and would prefer to use the ssh(1)
-W option to establish a forwarding from that host to the others that it
can access.

However, the bastion host has multiple IP addresses, and I need ssh(1)
to make the connection from a specific source address.

There is currently no way to accomplish this with the -W option, as it
only takes a destination address. This means that I need to instruct my
SSH client to start a nc(1) command and use its -s option instead, but
those commands sometimes linger (as children of PID 1) for a long time
after the connection has long since died, and I would prefer that the
login not have the ability to run commands at all.

Would it be possible to extend the syntax to take an optional source
address? For example (showing my current configuration commented out,
and how this could be specified using -W instead):

Host foo.example.net
    BatchMode       Yes
    ControlMaster   auto
    ControlPath     ~/.ssh/control-path.d/%r@%h:%p.sock
    ControlPersist  3
    ProxyCommand    none
    RequestTTY      No
    User            bar

Host *.example.net
#   ProxyCommand    ssh foo.example.net 'nc -6 -s 2001:db8::2 %h %p'
    ProxyCommand    ssh -W [2001:db8::2]:[%h]:%p foo.example.net

Aaron Jones

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