9.6p1 test suite help

Jack Hill jackhill at jackhill.us
Thu Dec 21 15:49:54 AEDT 2023

Hi OpenSSH,

I'm working on updating Guix's openssh package definition to the latest 
release. So far, I have only changed the version (and checksum) and left 
the build/test/install recipe the same. However, the test suite now fails. 
I could use some pointers to find out what exactly is going wrong with the 
failing test or how to fix it. I'm happy to provide more information about 
my environment, but I'm not immediately sure what's relevant. Hopefully 
the following is a good starting place.

regress.log looks as follows:

trace: adding modulifile='/tmp/guix-build-openssh-9.6p1.drv-0/openssh-9.6p1/moduli' to sshd_config
trace: adding modulifile='/tmp/guix-build-openssh-9.6p1.drv-0/openssh-9.6p1/moduli' to sshd_config
Executing: /tmp/guix-build-openssh-9.6p1.drv-0/openssh-9.6p1/ssh -Q key-plain log /tmp/guix-build-openssh-9.6p1.drv-0/openssh-9.6p1/regress/log/20231220T200802.613615.ssh.12605.log
Executing: /tmp/guix-build-openssh-9.6p1.drv-0/openssh-9.6p1/ssh -Q key-plain log /tmp/guix-build-openssh-9.6p1.drv-0/openssh-9.6p1/regress/log/20231220T200802.614012.ssh.12609.log
Executing: /tmp/guix-build-openssh-9.6p1.drv-0/openssh-9.6p1/ssh -Q key-plain log /tmp/guix-build-openssh-9.6p1.drv-0/openssh-9.6p1/regress/log/20231220T200802.625268.ssh.12619.log
Executing: /tmp/guix-build-openssh-9.6p1.drv-0/openssh-9.6p1/ssh -Q key-plain log /tmp/guix-build-openssh-9.6p1.drv-0/openssh-9.6p1/regress/log/20231220T200802.625535.ssh.12622.log
trace: generating key type ssh-ed25519
trace: generating key type ssh-ed25519
trace: generating key type sk-ssh-ed25519 at openssh.com
trace: generating key type sk-ssh-ed25519 at openssh.com
trace: generating key type ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
FAIL: ssh-keygen for sk-ssh-ed25519 at openssh.com failed
Saving debug logs to /tmp/guix-build-openssh-9.6p1.drv-0/openssh-9.6p1/regress/failed--logs.tar
trace: generating key type ecdsa-sha2-nistp384
trace: generating key type ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
trace: using cached key type ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
trace: using cached key type ecdsa-sha2-nistp384
trace: generating key type sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 at openssh.com
trace: using cached key type ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
trace: generating key type sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 at openssh.com
trace: generating key type ssh-dss
FAIL: ssh-keygen for sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 at openssh.com failed
Saving debug logs to /tmp/guix-build-openssh-9.6p1.drv-0/openssh-9.6p1/regress/failed--logs.tar
trace: generating key type ssh-rsa
trace: using cached key type ssh-dss
trace: generating key type ssh-rsa
FAIL: ssh-keygen for ssh-rsa failed
Saving debug logs to /tmp/guix-build-openssh-9.6p1.drv-0/openssh-9.6p1/regress/failed--logs.tar

I also see lines like:

/tmp/guix-build-openssh-9.6p1.drv-0/openssh-9.6p1/regress/ssh-rsa already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)? ssh-keygen for ssh-rsa failed

on the console while the tests are running.


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