9.6p1 test suite help

Darren Tucker dtucker at dtucker.net
Thu Dec 21 16:07:20 AEDT 2023

On Thu, 21 Dec 2023 at 15:52, Jack Hill <jackhill at jackhill.us> wrote:
> /tmp/guix-build-openssh-9.6p1.drv-0/openssh-9.6p1/regress/ssh-rsa already exists.
> Overwrite (y/n)? ssh-keygen for ssh-rsa failed

The regression tests do this to regenerate the keys if either the
keygen binary has changed:

for t in ${SSH_KEYTYPES}; do
        # generate user key
        if [ ! -f $OBJ/$t ] || [ ${SSHKEYGEN_BIN} -nt $OBJ/$t ]; then
                trace "generating key type $t"
                rm -f $OBJ/$t
                ${SSHKEYGEN} -q -N '' -t $t  -f $OBJ/$t ||\
                        fail "ssh-keygen for $t failed"

Given that the first couple of key types succeeded, my guess is that
you're running the tests with "make -j2" or higher and the two
instances of test-exec.sh are racing each other.  That generally won't
work (there's a subset of tests that could be run in parallel,
generally the ones with no side effects, but we don't currently
support that).

Darren Tucker (dtucker at dtucker.net)
GPG key 11EAA6FA / A86E 3E07 5B19 5880 E860  37F4 9357 ECEF 11EA A6FA
    Good judgement comes with experience. Unfortunately, the experience
usually comes from bad judgement.

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