Feature request/EOI: Match interactive config?

openssh at tr.id.au openssh at tr.id.au
Mon May 6 14:00:17 AEST 2024

Hey Damien,

> These changes are against openssh HEAD. If you've applied them against
> another version then you might have conflicts. Did patch complain
> when you applied the diff?

I did a fresh fetch and rebase on master branch from openssh-portable on GitHub before applying the patch. I've also tested with a fresh clone. The patch applied cleanly except for a missing end-of-file newline due to copy-pasting the diff.

This is what I see as the most recent commits, have I missed or misunderstood something?

$ git log -5 --pretty=oneline
385ecb31e (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) upstream: fix home-directory extension implementation, it always
14e2b16bc upstream: flush stdout after writing "sftp>" prompt when not using
2e69a7240 upstream: stricter validation of messaging socket fd number; disallow
da757b022 upstream: add missing reserved fields to key constraint protocol
16d0b82fa depend

~ Tim

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