[netflow-tools] Problem with flowd.log

Damien Miller djm at mindrot.org
Thu Apr 9 17:01:00 EST 2009

On Wed, 1 Apr 2009, Tris Owens wrote:

> Hi,
> I've just installed flowd (redhat). It seems to be running ok, I did
> have a few problems at first but looking at previous posts I noticed
> someone else has the same problem and I included the 'pidfile' line
> in the flowd.conf and now I see the processes running and it seems to
> have started up ok.
> My problem is the flowd.log file is not storing any data. I did a
> tcpdump and can see my test device sending 'something' every few
> minutes but the log file stays empty. It's sending on port 2055, which
> is the default for the device I'm trying to get stats from (Riverbed
> WAN optimisation device).
> I'm not all that with Linux, it's not my thing really but I didn't
> notice any issues while going through the install. Also, if I run with
> -d I don't see any errors.
> I have these lines in my flowd.conf, although I have tried many
> options.
> pidfile "/var/run/flowd.pid
> logfile "/var/log/flowd.log"
> listen on [ : : ]:2055

This will make flows listen on an IPv6 wildcard address, which is probably
not what you want. I'd suggest:

listen on []:2055


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