Update to solaris package creation

Tim Rice tim at multitalents.net
Mon Mar 11 16:24:52 EST 2002

On Tue, 5 Mar 2002, Ben Lindstrom wrote:

> Over all it looks fine.. only comment I have is preremove and preinstall
> scripts should not exist if you tell it not to start/stop OpenSSH
> from the package.
> If they do exist then the admin be prompted..  With the default 'n' if
> your doing a non-attendented install.
> Mainly because build time is not the correct time to decide if OpenSSH
> should be started or stopped.  Again we revert back to Admin's (installer)
> choice.
> One could argue the same about hardlinks vs softlinks also.. But I
> won't make it since I don't care. =)
> - Ben
OK I've made a few changes after looking at the feedback.

You are now prompted at install time if you want symbolic links,
restart the daemon, etc. (defaults to no)

I've used Darren Tucker's bits to grab the info out of Makefile

The Version info now comes straight from ssh -V

I included support for building a test package that will
not overwrite anything in /etc/*.d
Here are the comments about that from buildpkg.sh
    # uncommenting TEST_DIR and using configure--prefix=/var/tmp and
    # PKGNAME=tOpenSSH should allow testing a package without interfering
    # with a real OpenSSH package on a system.
    #TEST_DIR=/var/tmp	# leave commented out for production build

I've added a perl script to fix PrintMotd in sshd_confg (should be no)

You can now optionally set PermitRootLogin no and X11Forwarding yes
at package build time.
    # uncomment these next two as needed

It works good here on Solaris 7 & 8, UnixWare 2.1.3 & 7.1.1
Other testers welcome.

Tim Rice				Multitalents	(707) 887-1469
tim at multitalents.net

-------------- next part --------------
# Fake Root Solaris/SVR4/SVR5 Build System - Prototype
# The following code has been provide under Public Domain License.  I really
# don't care what you use it for.  Just as long as you don't complain to me
# nor my employer if you break it. - Ben Lindstrom (mouring at eviladmin.org)
umask 022
# Options for building the package
# You can create a config.local with your customized options
# uncommenting TEST_DIR and using configure--prefix=/var/tmp and 
# PKGNAME=tOpenSSH should allow testing a package without interfering
# with a real OpenSSH package on a system.
#TEST_DIR=/var/tmp	# leave commented out for production build
# uncomment these next two as needed
# list of system directories we do NOT want to change owner/group/perms
# when installing our package
SYSTEM_DIR="/etc	\
/etc/init.d		\
/etc/rcS.d		\
/etc/rc0.d		\
/etc/rc1.d		\
/etc/rc2.d		\
/opt			\
/opt/bin		\
/usr			\
/usr/bin		\
/usr/lib		\
/usr/sbin		\
/usr/share		\
/usr/share/man		\
/usr/share/man/man1	\
/usr/share/man/man8	\
/usr/local		\
/usr/local/bin		\
/usr/local/etc		\
/usr/local/libexec	\
/usr/local/man		\
/usr/local/man/man1	\
/usr/local/man/man8	\
/usr/local/sbin		\
/usr/local/share	\
/var			\
/var/run		\
/var/tmp		\

# We may need to buiild as root so we make sure PATH is set up
# only set the path if it's not set already
[ -d /usr/local/bin ]  &&  {
	echo $PATH | grep ":/usr/local/bin"  > /dev/null 2>&1
	[ $? -ne 0 ] && PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
[ -d /usr/ccs/bin ]  &&  {
	echo $PATH | grep ":/usr/ccs/bin"  > /dev/null 2>&1
	[ $? -ne 0 ] && PATH=$PATH:/usr/ccs/bin
export PATH

[ -f Makefile ]  ||  {
	echo "Please run this script from your build directory"
	exit 1

# we will look for config.local to override the above options
[ -s ./config.local ]  &&  . ./config.local

## Start by faking root install 
echo "Faking root install..."
OPENSSHD_IN=`dirname $0`/opensshd.in
[ -d $FAKE_ROOT ]  &&  rm -fr $FAKE_ROOT
mkdir $FAKE_ROOT
${MAKE} install-nokeys DESTDIR=$FAKE_ROOT
if [ $? -gt 0 ]
	echo "Fake root install failed, stopping."
	exit 1

## Fill in some details, like prefix and sysconfdir
for confvar in prefix exec_prefix bindir sbindir libexecdir datadir mandir sysconfdir piddir
        eval $confvar=`grep "^$confvar=" Makefile | cut -d = -f 2`

## Extract common info requires for the 'info' part of the package.
VERSION=`./ssh -V 2>&1 | sed -e 's/,.*//'`

UNAME_S=`uname -s`
case ${UNAME_S} in
	SunOS)	UNAME_S=Solaris
		ARCH=`uname -p`
		DEF_MSG="(default: n)"
	*)	ARCH=`uname -m` ;;

## Setup our run level stuff while we are at it.
mkdir -p $FAKE_ROOT${TEST_DIR}/etc/init.d

## setup our initscript correctly
sed -e "s#%%configDir%%#${sysconfdir}#g" 	\
    -e "s#%%openSSHDir%%#$prefix#g"		\
    -e "s#%%pidDir%%#${piddir}#g"		\
chmod 744 $FAKE_ROOT${TEST_DIR}/etc/init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME}

[ "${PERMIT_ROOT_LOGIN}" = no ]  &&  \
	perl -p -i -e "s/#PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin no/" \
[ "${X11_FORWARDING}" = yes ]  &&  \
	perl -p -i -e "s/#X11Forwarding no/X11Forwarding yes/" \
# fix PrintMotd
perl -p -i -e "s/#PrintMotd yes/PrintMotd no/" \

# We don't want to overwrite config files on multiple installs
mv $FAKE_ROOT/${sysconfdir}/ssh_config $FAKE_ROOT/${sysconfdir}/ssh_config.default
mv $FAKE_ROOT/${sysconfdir}/sshd_config $FAKE_ROOT/${sysconfdir}/sshd_config.default
[ -f $FAKE_ROOT/${sysconfdir}/ssh_prng_cmds ]  &&  \
mv $FAKE_ROOT/${sysconfdir}/ssh_prng_cmds $FAKE_ROOT/${sysconfdir}/ssh_prng_cmds.default


## Ok, this is outright wrong, but it will work.  I'm tired of pkgmk
## whining.
for i in *; do

## Build info file
echo "Building pkginfo file..."
cat > pkginfo << _EOF
NAME="OpenSSH Portable for ${UNAME_S}"
DESC="Secure Shell remote access utility; replaces telnet and rlogin/rsh."
VENDOR="OpenSSH Portable Team - http://www.openssh.com/portable.html"

## Build preinstall file
echo "Building preinstall file..."
cat > preinstall << _EOF
#! /sbin/sh
[ "\${PRE_INS_STOP}" = "yes" ]  &&  ${TEST_DIR}/etc/init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} stop
exit 0

## Build postinstall file
echo "Building postinstall file..."
cat > postinstall << _EOF
#! /sbin/sh
[ -f ${sysconfdir}/ssh_config ]  ||  \\
	cp -p ${sysconfdir}/ssh_config.default ${sysconfdir}/ssh_config
[ -f ${sysconfdir}/sshd_config ]  ||  \\
	cp -p ${sysconfdir}/sshd_config.default ${sysconfdir}/sshd_config
[ -f ${sysconfdir}/ssh_prng_cmds.default ]  &&  {
	[ -f ${sysconfdir}/ssh_prng_cmds ]  ||  \\
	cp -p ${sysconfdir}/ssh_prng_cmds.default ${sysconfdir}/ssh_prng_cmds

# make rc?.d dirs only if we are doing a test install
[ -n "${TEST_DIR}" ]  &&  {
	[ "$RCS_D" = yes ]  &&  mkdir -p ${TEST_DIR}/etc/rcS.d
	mkdir -p ${TEST_DIR}/etc/rc0.d
	mkdir -p ${TEST_DIR}/etc/rc1.d
	mkdir -p ${TEST_DIR}/etc/rc2.d

if [ "\${USE_SYM_LINKS}" = yes ]
	[ "$RCS_D" = yes ]  &&  \
installf ${PKGNAME} $TEST_DIR/etc/rcS.d/K30${SYSVINIT_NAME}=../init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} s
	installf ${PKGNAME} $TEST_DIR/etc/rc0.d/K30${SYSVINIT_NAME}=../init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} s
	installf ${PKGNAME} $TEST_DIR/etc/rc1.d/K30${SYSVINIT_NAME}=../init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} s
	installf ${PKGNAME} $TEST_DIR/etc/rc2.d/S98${SYSVINIT_NAME}=../init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} s
	[ "$RCS_D" = yes ]  &&  \
installf ${PKGNAME} $TEST_DIR/etc/rcS.d/K30${SYSVINIT_NAME}=$TEST_DIR/etc/init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} l
	installf ${PKGNAME} $TEST_DIR/etc/rc0.d/K30${SYSVINIT_NAME}=$TEST_DIR/etc/init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} l
	installf ${PKGNAME} $TEST_DIR/etc/rc1.d/K30${SYSVINIT_NAME}=$TEST_DIR/etc/init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} l
	installf ${PKGNAME} $TEST_DIR/etc/rc2.d/S98${SYSVINIT_NAME}=$TEST_DIR/etc/init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} l

installf -f ${PKGNAME}

[ "\${POST_INS_START}" = "yes" ]  &&  ${TEST_DIR}/etc/init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} start
exit 0

## Build preremove file
echo "Building preremove file..."
cat > preremove << _EOF
#! /sbin/sh
${TEST_DIR}/etc/init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} stop
exit 0

## Build request file
echo "Building request file..."
cat > request << _EOF
trap 'exit 3' 15
# Use symbolic links?
ans=\`ckyorn -d n \
-p "Do you want symbolic links for the start/stop scripts? ${DEF_MSG}"\` || exit \$?
case \$ans in
	[y,Y]*)	USE_SYM_LINKS=yes ;;

# determine if should restart the daemon
if [ -s ${piddir}/sshd.pid  -a  -f ${TEST_DIR}/etc/init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} ]
	ans=\`ckyorn -d n \
-p "Should the running sshd daemon be restarted? ${DEF_MSG}"\` || exit \$?
	case \$ans in
		[y,Y]*)	PRE_INS_STOP=yes


# determine if we should start sshd
	ans=\`ckyorn -d n \
-p "Start the sshd daemon after installing this package? ${DEF_MSG}"\` || exit \$?
	case \$ans in
		[y,Y]*)	POST_INS_START=yes ;;

# make parameters available to installation service,
# and so to any other packaging scripts
cat >\$1 <<!
exit 0


## Build space file
echo "Building space file..."
cat > space << _EOF
# extra space required by start/stop links added by installf in postinstall
$TEST_DIR/etc/rc0.d/K30${SYSVINIT_NAME} 0 1
$TEST_DIR/etc/rc1.d/K30${SYSVINIT_NAME} 0 1
$TEST_DIR/etc/rc2.d/S98${SYSVINIT_NAME} 0 1
[ "$RCS_D" = yes ]  &&  \
echo "$TEST_DIR/etc/rcS.d/K30${SYSVINIT_NAME} 0 1" >> space

## Next Build our prototype
echo "Building prototype file..."
cat >mk-proto.awk << _EOF
	    BEGIN { print "i pkginfo"; print "i preinstall"; \\
		    print "i postinstall"; print "i preremove"; \\
		    print "i request"; print "i space"; \\
	            split("$SYSTEM_DIR",sys_files); }
	     for (dir in sys_files) { if ( \$3 != sys_files[dir] )
	             { \$5="root"; \$6="sys"; }
	             { \$4="?"; \$5="?"; \$6="?"; break;}
	    } }
	    { print; }
find . | egrep -v "prototype|pkginfo|mk-proto.awk" | sort | \
	pkgproto $PROTO_ARGS | nawk -f mk-proto.awk > prototype

## Step back a directory and now build the package.
echo "Building package.."
cd ..
pkgmk -d ${FAKE_ROOT} -f $FAKE_ROOT/prototype -o
echo | pkgtrans -os ${FAKE_ROOT} ${START}/$PKGNAME-$UNAME_S-$ARCH-$VERSION.pkg
rm -rf $FAKE_ROOT

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